Equine Massage Therapy

I have now combined my love of horses with my job! After several successful years of treating humans, I decided to extend my business and train as an Equine Massage Therapist.

I have been around horses all of my life as my father rode and encouraged myself and my sister to follow suit. I regularly compete at show jumping and cross-country competitions and I am a member of the Meon Riding Club.

I never realised until I started my training, how beneficial  Equine massage could be. The flexibility and recovery after competitions of my horse has been an eye opener.



  • Increased flexibility
  • Increased range of motion - great for both show jumping and dressage
  • Enhances muscle tone
  • Trigger point therapy for painful areas
  • Aids rehab for jnjured horses
  • Improved performance


Includes conformation check on initial visit (for muscle tone/symmetry) and gait analysis to assess for target/problem areas. Will also provide a report for your Equine vet if required.

  • 60-75 minutes: £45